Everyday Limited was initially founded in 2009 by Mike Dunk and Jonathan Carroll. During its early years Everyday was primarily a software development Company, initially delivering an in-house developed, “cloud” based CRM, (Customer Relationship Management), tool to the SME market.
Everyday quickly expanded its offer by developing a range of assessment software tools used to help in the safeguarding of children for Social Services in local authorities. By enabling managers to measure compliance against pre-defined targets, one of the early adopters reversed an OFSTED classification of “Unsatisfactory” within just seven months.
It was evident that many organisations had difficulty in controlling and measuring how effective the training and development of their staff was in following their business processes and in meeting the compliance needs of the business. Moreover, it became apparent that whilst adherence to standards was examined from time to time the results were not recorded in a consistent manner across the whole business.
Everyday were charged with developing an assessment suite for one of the UK’s largest security companies. Modules for contract management, equality and diversity, understanding of the employment terms and conditions were successfully implemented improving the quality of service, the competence of the organisation’s staff and delivering measurable metrics for management to make informed decisions relating to training needs.
During the history of Everyday there has been a consistent theme of delivering solutions enabling organisations to meet their compliance responsibilities. The last major development by the Everyday team was the Anti-Bribery & Corruption suite designed to ensure Companies could meet the demands of The Bribery Act 2010.
The business has evolved significantly over time.
In 2016 Jonathan opted to sell his shareholding in Everyday Limited to its close partner, GemSmart Limited and the senior management team of GemSmart.
Jonathan and Mike continue to work together on several projects. Jonathan now focusses primarily on the development of SaaS, (Software as a Service), applications on behalf of other people whilst Everyday Limited are, today, a solutions and services provider, reselling leading third-party IT solutions, and continuing to offer compliance assessment solutions into a wide range of businesses, while working closely and sharing resources and people with the business consultancy GemSmart Limited.
We bring together an experienced, enthusiastic group of highly professional IT people who enjoy working as a team and delivering innovative answers to our customers problems.